Currently, we're using the AutoCAD 2018 version. We can process standard AutoCad types with the following extensions: .dwg and .dxf.
Please take note of the following standard design features for CAD files:
1. Please ensure all lines are closed.
2. Please ensure that the line thickness will be 0.
2. Please ensure that the drawing is 2D.
When you're looking to get an (SMT) stencil, it's also doable to share Gerber files.
We're not able to process the following file types: STL, OBJ, STEP, IGES, SLDPRT, 3DM, IPT, SAT, and X_T files.
Maximum Size
We do not require a maximum file size, however, it's always preferred to have a smaller file size, so we're better able to process the files. File resizing is one of the possibilities to achieve smaller file sizes.
Files ready? Please have a look at how to proceed with your request for quote.